Sunday, September 1, 2024

Humble Ourselves, Don't be Arrogant

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Humble Ourselves, Don't be Arrogant

Allah reminds us of our humble beginnings in this verse, "Did We not create you from a despised fluid?" (Quran, Mursalat 77:20)

We were created from a simple drop of fluid, something small and often thought of as insignificant or lowly. Yet, despite this humble beginning, people often become arrogant, forgetting where they came from and acting with too much pride and superiority. 

No matter how much money, knowledge, or power we have, we all come from the same lowly origin. Arrogance doesn't suit those who remember their beginnings. 

We are encouraged to be humble, knowing that our worth comes not from ourselves but from Allah's kindness and mercy. This helps us become more caring and grounded, keeping us away from arrogance and leading us to a more humble relationship with others and with Allah.

Arrogance is a trait that comes directly from Shaytan, who was the first to exhibit pride and rebellion against Allah. When Allah created Adam, Shaytan refused to bow to him, saying he was better because he was made from fire and Adam was made from clay. This act of defiance was driven by arrogance, which led to Shaytan's downfall and eternal condemnation. We are reminded to avoid arrogance and seek Allah's help, understanding that humility is how to stay close to Allah Most High.

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