Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Adab of the Bearer of the Quran

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Adab of the Bearer of the Qutan

He never became angry  because of his own self. He only became angry when Allah’s limits were exceeded.

Caution: A scholar who acted upon his anger will not be looked the same again. Surely the one who controls his anger pleases Allah and keeps the characteristics of the righteous believer. 

Anger is a natural feeling but it has to stay inside. It has negative effects on those who allow it to control them. Becoming angry is easy and dangerous. It affects family and society as a whole. When a person becomes angry and he acts upon it, he intensifies hatred amongst himself and people around him, and as a result, people cut off ties with him. Worst can lead to killing and bloodshed. Above all, that person displeases Allah and chooses to walk away from the right path, for which he faces consequences until he seeks forgiveness and mercy from Allah.

How to restrain your anger?

1 - Don’t speak when you are angry; 

2 -  Change position. Sit if you are standing, lie down if you are sitting; 

3 - Keep silent, don'r reply; 

4 - Say, A’udhu billahi minash shaiTanir-rajeem (I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed shaytan); 

5 -  Perform wudu’ (Anger comes from shaytan and shaytan is made of fire. Water extinguishes the fire); 

6 - Think and ponder over the virtues of restraining anger:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “If you don’t become angry (unhealthy anger), I promise you Jannah” 

“Those who spend (in Allah’s cause) in prosperity and in adversity, who repress anger and who pardon men, verily, Allah loves Al-muhsinoon (all good doers)“ [Quran, AleImran 4:133-134]

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “By Allah I do swear, Allah will not throw His beloved ones in Hell.”

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “When you swallow your anger, Allah will fill your heart with hope and contentment on the Day of Judgment. “ “ It will get you the biggest reward.”

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