Monday, May 27, 2024

Connect To Allah's Book

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Connect To Allah's Book

The Quran is not just rules. It encapsulates the legacy of our Messenger (ﷺ). Islam was given with not just the rules but how the rules were put into people’s hearts. Allah changed hearts way before He changed behaviors. We can’t force behavior; It backfires. And we cannot mold people into a certain image. We are living in a time where Muslims are very far from Islam and getting them to follow the rules of Islam is not our first priority. Getting their hearts to be reconnected to Allah is the first priority. When Imaan (Faith) comes everything else will fall into place. When Imaan is not there, nothing will be there. Connect yourself and your family to Allah’s Book and the 23 years of revelation.


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