Sunday, June 16, 2024

Day of Arafah

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Day of Arafah

The blessed ten days of Dhu’l Hijja are concluding, culminating in the Day of ‘Arafah (9th of Dhu’l Hijjah), a day of immense Divine mercy considered by many scholars as the best day of the year.

For those not on Hajj, the Prophet (ﷺ) recommended fasting on the Day of ‘Arafa, promising it would atone for the sins of the previous and coming year. [Muslim] This refers to minor sins between a person and Allah.

We should also seek Allah’s forgiveness and ask for our needs, particularly in the afternoon, mirroring those at ‘Arafa who are assured of forgiveness. May Allah grant us forgiveness and success in our prayers and actions. Aameen.

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