Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Etiquette Of Seeking Sacred Knowledge

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Etiquette Of Seeking Sacred Knowledge

The Islamic tradition teaches that students of sacred knowledge and their teachers must follow lofty principles and refined codes of conduct to ensure that they can genuinely achieve virtue through their knowledge and that Allah opens up for them (futūḥ) the full extent of wisdom and perception. 

The most distinguished of these etiquettes (ādāb): 

1) Respect in one’s heart and reverence for knowledge gatherings.

2) Humility: Respect for scholars and honoring them. Students should also humble themselves to knowledge in their efforts to seek it. 

3)  Being sincere: Intend sincerely for the sake of Allah, both when learning and practicing it. 

4) Being trustworthy: The scholar remains within the bounds of what he knows and doesn’t say that which he doesn’t know

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