Tuesday, June 4, 2024

In The Remembrance Of Allah The Hearts Are At Rest

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

In The Remembrance Of Allah The Hearts Are At Rest

There will always be something that will worry us, make us depressed or make us fear of something.

“O mankind, indeed you are laboring toward your Lord with [great] exertion and will meet it.” (6) 
[Quran, Inshiqaq 84:6]

We have been created with a constant 
struggle. We are in a constant stress-- stress of health, financial, jobs, parents, children, husband/wife, disputes with siblings/relatives, neighbors, co workers, employer/employee, property issues, etc. Problems after problems and nobody got a break from it. But Allah tells us that the purpose of all these trials is that through them you will find peace in one place, and that is in the remembrance of Allah. The best remembrance is reading the Quran.

“Those who believe, their hearts being at rest in Allah's remembrance -- in Allah's remembrance the hearts are at rest.” (28) [Qur'an, Ar-Ra'd 13:28]


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