Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Don't Be Arrogant, Stingy And Greedy

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate
Assalaamu alaykum

Dear Friends

I pray that you are well.

Allah loves not those who are proud, boastful and stingy.

The believers are those who believe in God and His Messenger, then have not doubted, and have struggled with their possessions and their selves in the way of God; those -- they are the truthful ones.
[Qur'an Al-Hujuraat 49:15]

Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children - like the example of a rain whose [resulting] plant growth pleases the tillers; then it dries and you see it turned yellow; then it becomes [scattered] debris. And in the Hereafter is severe punishment and forgiveness from Allah and approval. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion. (20)

Race toward forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden whose width is like the width of the heavens and earth, prepared for those who believed in Allah and His messengers. That is the bounty of Allah which He gives to whom He wills, and Allah is the possessor of great bounty. (21)

No disaster strikes upon the earth or among yourselves except that it is in a register before We bring it into being - indeed that, for Allah, is easy - (22) In order that you not despair over what has eluded you and not exult [in pride] over what He has given you. And Allah loves not any man proud and boastful (23) [Those] who are stingy and enjoin upon people stinginess. And whoever turns away - then indeed, Allah is the Free of need, the Praiseworthy. (24)
[Qur'an Hadid 57:20-24]

Everything you have is from Allah. All your possessions did not come from you or as a result of your effort. You have nothing to do with it--not because of your intelligence, not because you spent years of working hard, not because you know people in high places. It is purely from Allah, the Possessor of great bounty, to test you. Right now, He can take them away from you, just like that. Right now, He can give the same or better to someone else, just like that. All this is very easy for Allah to do.

How many a people had come to power and had lost power? You recall during the dot.com era in the late 90s, millionaires sprout like mushrooms but all of sudden when the stock market crashed, these millionaires lost their millions overnight, just like that. A disaster can happen all of a sudden that can wipe you out completely. These are also tests from Allah.

Nothing is permanent in this life. So don't be arrogant and don't be stingy. If you are then you have failed the test because everything you have are tests for you. Come the Day of Judgment, you would wish you can return to this life and do righteous deeds.

Till, when death comes to one of them, he says, 'My Lord, return me; haply I shall do righteousness in that I forsook.' Nay, it is but a word he speaks; and there; behind them, is a barrier until the day that they shall be raised up. For when the Trumpet is blown, that day there shall be no ties of relationship between them, nor will they ask of each other. Then he whose scales are heavy -- they are the successful., and he whose scales are light -- they have lost their souls, abiding in Hell.
[Qur'an The Believers 22:99-103]

So, before we face our own Judgment Day (i.e. the day we die), remember Allah, obey Him, spend in His way what He has given you, and do not use them to disobey Him.

Your possessions and your children are only a trial, and Allah it is with Whom is a great reward. Therefore be careful of (your duty to) Allah as much as you can, and hear and obey and spend, it is better for your souls; and whoever is saved from the greediness of his soul, those are the successful.
[Qur'an At-Taghaabun 64:15-16]

May Allah Most High make us among His righteous slaves. Ameen. Please don't forget us in your night prayers. Jazakallahu khairan.

And Allah knows best.

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