Saturday, October 26, 2013

Tidy Up

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate
Assalaamu alaykum

Dear Friends

I pray that you are well.

The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: "Cleanliness is half of Iman (Faith)." [Muslim]. This means purity and cleanliness of our body, soul, clothes, and environment.

Get into the habit of cleaning and tidy up as you go. Clean dishes after each meal. Don't let dirty dishes pile up overnight.

Don't let things clutter in the closets, drawers and any open spaces. Organize. Pick up after yourselves and put things away after you use them. No one is created to be our picker-upper.

Go through your entire house; closets, drawers, garage, bathrooms, desks/tables, kitchen, pantry, even the fridge/freezer, and your yard/shed--you will find you can dump at least 50% of the stuff. If you haven't seen or used them for more than a year, you don't need them. Get rid of them.

Keep a pretty sparse home. Remember, we are wayfarers in this world--travel light and your journey would be much easier.

Teach your children to pick up after themselves, make their own beds upon rising and clean their own rooms regularly. If you have small children/grandchildren, teach them to put away their toys/books in designated places (or bins/shelves) as soon as they finish playing/reading. This is a small feat for parents but a great service for your children and will bring a huge positive impact in their adult lives.

Cleaning as you go will keep your home (or workplace) organized and in turn you will feel more at peace. Clutter clutters your head and you can't focus. With less stuff, you don’t have to take care of so much. There is much less to clean.

So, say no to excuses and say no to what ifs.

When you clean up your home or room, wash the dishes, take a bath, trim your nails on Fridays, tidy up, you are getting rewarded by Allah for it, if you are doing it because Allah told us to observe cleanliness. Make a conscious intention to clean up for Allah’s pleasure and ask Allah to help you do better at cleaning and organizing.

May Allah take all the clutter from our lives and increase us in Iman. Ameen.

Please don't forget us in your night prayers. Jazakallahu khairan.

And Allah knows best.

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