Monday, August 28, 2017

Struggle To Do Good and In Doing Good

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate

Assalaamu alaykum

All of us want to do good. But the problem is that when we start doing good, the good is done when we have time and when it is convenient for us.

Take for example with the Quran. Many people want to read the Quran, which is a tremendous good deed. But they don't find the time to do it. And if they could find some time for it, they are not consistent. And if they are consistent, they just read but without understanding and they are stuck to reading a few pages each time. If you ask them why, they will tell you how busy they are or something just came up to prevent them from giving more attention to the Quran. So Quran is always put in the back burner for people who don't struggle enough. This is what happen to the so many good that we could have done but we didn't because we don't struggle the way Allah deserves to be struggled for.

We must struggle to do good, the way Allah deserves to be struggled for, and we must struggle with no other goal except Allah,

وَجَـٰهِدُوا۟ فِى ٱللَّهِ حَقَّ جِهَادِهِۦ ۚ هُوَ ٱجْتَبَىٰكُمْ وَمَا جَعَلَ عَلَيْكُمْ فِى ٱلدِّينِ مِنْ حَرَجٍ ۚ مِّلَّةَ أَبِيكُمْ إِبْرَ‌ٰهِيمَ ۚ هُوَ سَمَّىٰكُمُ ٱلْمُسْلِمِينَ مِن قَبْلُ وَفِى هَـٰذَا لِيَكُونَ ٱلرَّسُولُ شَهِيدًا عَلَيْكُمْ وَتَكُونُوا۟ شُهَدَآءَ عَلَى ٱلنَّاسِ ۚ فَأَقِيمُوا۟ ٱلصَّلَو‌ٰةَ وَءَاتُوا۟ ٱلزَّكَو‌ٰةَ وَٱعْتَصِمُوا۟ بِٱللَّهِ هُوَ مَوْلَىٰكُمْ ۖ فَنِعْمَ ٱلْمَوْلَىٰ وَنِعْمَ ٱلنَّصِيرُ ﴿٧٨

And strive for Allah with the striving due to Him. He has chosen you and has not placed upon you in the religion any difficulty. [It is] the religion of your father, Abraham. Allah named you "Muslims" before [in former scriptures] and in this [revelation] that the Messenger may be a witness over you and you may be witnesses over the people. So establish prayer and give zakah and hold fast to Allah. He is your protector; and excellent is the protector, and excellent is the helper. (78) [Quran, Al-Hajj 22:78]

Whoever prays to Allah like He deserves to be prayed to, thanks Allah like He deserves to be thanked to, remembers Allah like He deserves to be remembered, mentions Allah like He deserves to be mentioned, and think about Allah like He deserves to be thought about, you can't meet that standard of struggle that He deserves. But we don't stop struggling.

Allah deserves more than anything our limited life can ever do. Struggle for Him is to exhaust yourself the most you can against resistance -- against your own laziness, societal pressures, etc. This opposition can be internal, psychological, emotional, familial, etc. There is a war inside ourselves.

We are really underqualified to do anything near what Allah deserves. But then Allah chooses us. Adam (peace be upon him) made a mistake but Allah saw good in him and chose him to be the khalifah on earth. He made a mistake and came back to Allah. Allah chose us to be Muslims. No Muslim will be able to say "I don't know why I am Muslim" or "I am a Muslim because my parents are Muslims." Allah decided that you have something in you that will serve His cause. Every Muslim is already qualified for the job whether they realize it or not. You are qualified and if you don't do what you are qualified to do, that is a serious offense. A boss will not get angry at those who didn't get the job during the interview but he will get angry at you who got the job and don't do it. The job is not too hard because Allah says so. He didn't put any difficulty in the religion whatsoever.

Zulhijjah is one of the months when the reward of good deeds are multiplied. So rush to good.

May Allah help us in our struggle to be closer to Him and grant us righteous deeds. Ameen.

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala aalihi wa sahbihi wasallam.

And Allah knows best and is Most Wise, and He alone grants success, and to Him is the final return of all.


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