Sunday, September 1, 2024

Know Your Real Enemy

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

The Quran says,

“Indeed Satan, to man, is a manifest enemy.” [Quran, Yusuf 12:5]

Shaytan is the ultimate deceiver and enemy of humanity, whose primary goal is to lead people away from the path of righteousness and obedience to Allah.

Shaytan's work is to sow doubt, temptation, and discord in the hearts of believers, urging them toward sin, arrogance, and disobedience. He exploits human weaknesses and whispers evil suggestions to create division and strife.

We are taught to seek refuge in Allah from Shaytan’s influence, remain vigilant against his deceptions, and strengthen our faith through prayer, remembrance of Allah, and adherence to Islamic teachings to resist temptations and stay on the straight path.

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