Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Path of Knowledge--cont.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate
Assalaamu alaykum

Dear Friends

I pray that you are well.

Some of you were wondering where we were the other day. In Makkah, a grocery store, a disaster area, earthquake center, ...etc?

Actually, we were in a government hospital trying to get my kids to a room for a physical checkup in order to register them for al-Azhar schools. It must be done in a government hospital and cannot at a private clinic.

I could never imagine I would see such a sight in a medical facility! SubhanAllah. It was an experience and sight that also reminded me of the many blessings that Allah has bestowed upon my family--most of all the great blessings of health and time. Those people had no option about where to spend their time except at the hospital because they needed treatment and they had to endure the additional discomfort and hardship because they are too poor to seek treatment at a private clinic, but we had an out had we decided not to proceed with what we came to this 3rd world country in the first place.

Alhamdulillah, my boys are old (and big) enough that I didn't have to actually hold their hands--they waited by themselves at the door of the "examination" room, while I observed them from a little corner away from the heavy human traffic (sometimes my boys disappeared in the crowd), until they could get themselves in the examination room a few hours later.

May you have a blessed Ramadhan with full acceptance of all works of obedience and charity. Ameen. Please make du'a for me and my children and all the Muslims. Jazakum Allahu khairan.

And Allah knows best.


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