Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Love of the Quran

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Love of the Quran

We should strive to recite the Quran everyday. Reciting the Quran has great merits, not just in terms of reward. When we recite the Quran, it illuminates our heart. It changes us at the deepest level of our being even if we don’t understand what is being recited. Reciting Quran is the very best of “adhkar” in that we remember Allah. It is part of the miracle of the Quran, that the mere recitation of the Quran is meritorious, let alone to study it or recite it in prayer.

Quran is the Truth we should prepare to receive. May Allah make its recitation easy for us. May Allah enable us to dedicate our lives to the Quran and service of the Quran, and live the meanings of the Quran. Aameen.


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