Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What To Do On Day Of Ashura

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

What To Do On Day Of Ashura

The most important thing the Prophet ﷺ taught us to do on ‘Ashura is to fast. He ﷺ informed us that if we did so, Allah would wipe out the sins of the previous year [Muslim]. We should also renew our repentance on ‘Ashura. The Prophet ﷺ said that it is a day on which Allah allowed certain people to repent, and He will continue to allow others to do the same. (Tirmidhi).

The Prophet ﷺ also taught us that if someone spends generously on their family on the `Ashura, Allah will treat them with generosity for the rest of the year. (Bayhaqi). Sufyan bin Uyaynah said, “We tried this for fifty years, and all we saw was good.” 

May Allah pardon us and accept our fasting and all good deeds. Aameen.


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