Saturday, July 27, 2024

True & Lasting Friendship

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

True & Lasting Friendship

Friendships grounded in Imaan and taqwa (God-consciousness, piety) are true and enduring, while friendships based on materialistic reasons are fleeting and ultimately unfulfilling, both in this world and the Hereafter. 

Kindness and love for one another are the pillars of a lasting friendship. 

A good friend is someone whose presence brings blessings, reinforces Islamic practices, increases knowledge, enhances spirituality, encourages responsibility towards the Muslim community, and motivates us to strive for good.

The Prophet ﷺ said, “The believer is like a mirror to other believers.”

 A close friend reflects an honest, undistorted image of a friend, forgiving mistakes but not hiding or exaggerating strengths and weaknesses. 

True friendship inspires devotion to Allah and His beloved Messenger ﷺ, and loyalty to your parents and family, knowing that their own children will inherit these qualities. 

Abdullah ibn ‘Umar narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said, “Obey your parents and treat them kindly, for if you do so, then your own children will be obedient and kind to you.” [Tabari]

Choose friends based on good character, conduct, and qualities. A worthy companion should possess five qualities: intellect, good conduct, avoidance of sin, adherence to Islamic traditions, and detachment from worldly addiction.

May Allah grant us righteous companions in this life and the next. Aameen.

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