Thursday, July 18, 2024

Wear Proper Hijab

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Wear Proper Hijab

   Proper hijab means covering your body in such a way that it does not disclose the shape of your body and the color of your skin, from head to toe, except the face and the hands up to the wrist joints, without showing the hair, ears, neck, under the chin, and feet. 
   Asma, daughter of Abu Bakr (r.a.), entered upon the Prophet (ﷺ) wearing thin clothes. The Prophet (ﷺ) turned his attention from her. He said: O Asma', ‘When the woman reaches puberty, no part of her body should be seen but this and this’ --- and he pointed to his face and hands. [Abu Dawud] 
   If your face causes men to look at you with desire or you fear fitnah because of unwanted attention wherever you go, you should wear the niqab (face covering), even though wearing the niqab is generally not obligatory, for this is the way of piety and taqwa. 
   You are doing yourself a constant good deed by wearing a hijab, helping others to do good deeds by your example, and encouraging and motivating other women to wear a hijab/niqab. You will be a shining example of how women in Islam are so highly respected, valued, and powerful in Islam. Even if you disagree or are not convinced with the reasons and virtues for hijab, that is irrelevant and does not change the fact that it is compulsory for you. Maybe God Almighty does not want you to understand. Nevertheless, Allah is testing your Iman (faith)... will you obey Him?
   If you don't wear hijab, know that your body is on display in the market of Shaytan, seducing the hearts of men. If you want to wait to wear hijab when you are old and decrepit, after college, marriage, or hajj, can you guarantee that you will live tomorrow (or even the next moment), or is your future guaranteed? Remember, every day brings you closer to the grave, and the Angel of Death is ready to capture your soul. Don't forget that Allah truly knows what your intentions are! So don’t think you are fooling anybody by giving these excuses. 
   Every time a man looks at you because you are not wearing a hijab, you get the sin because you are aiding the man to sin by looking at you on account of your having your nakedness (awrah) displayed. 
   Parents make the mistake of not inculcating this Islamic value early. Exposing your little and young daughters to proper hijab now is a smaller effort than trying to make them wear hijab when they reach their teens. 
   To my sisters who are not wearing (proper) hijab, get on the train of repentance before death stops by your station. May Allah grant us tawfiq. Aameen.

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