Thursday, April 15, 2010

Raising good slaves

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate

Assalaamu alaykum

Dear Friends

I pray that you are well.

Some people have many children, some have few, some have none. I have friends in all categories. Whether you have many, a few or none, we thank Allah for deciding this for us. We would not be able to make this big decision for ourselves.

When we look at the many orphans, the many children without major limbs, the many children starving, we are grateful that our children are with us, that their destiny, at least for now, is not like that, but rather it reach very far to the other spectrum--with comfy beds to sleep on, with abundant food and entertainment to their heart desire, with trendy shoes to wear, just to name a few.

But are we teaching our children to be grateful to their Creator for what they have? We cannot say we are until we teach our children how to pray and to pray the way the Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him peace, prayed, and they are doing it voluntarily.

When our children were little, we taught them to sleep at certain times--we were very adamant about this because we know it is good for them--they need that rest so they can grow healthy and their brain can function properly the next day at school. They must sleep or some "punishment" would follow--you take away certain things from them, no TV, no toys, etc.

Prayer is the main pillar of Islam. Just like a house, what will happen if the main pillar is not there or weak? Sooner or later it will collapse. We don't want that to happen to our children. May Allah protect our Iman. So, put a conscious and as much effort in making sure that our children pray, and pray the right way, as we made sure that they sleep at certain time, starting at age 5 or 6. This is the age that your children are easily molded the way you want them to be--because they are like sponges. In the matter of inculcating the love to pray, we cannot postpone it to later time. If you wait till they finished middle school, they might not do it at all. They are going into the teenage rebellious stage. They have their "own minds." They are more concerned at how they look and what their friends think of them. They listen to their "friends," not you. You can't tell them what to do. This is what you want to avoid and directing them to Allah from a very young age, inshaAllah you will avoid the social disasters that many families are facing.

Don't delay teaching your children the love of Allah and performing the prayers is the starting point. And you have to start now--even if it is one prayer today with you and increase the number gradually. If you don't take this step, even if you have obedient children (may Allah grant us with such children), you would still have made their lives difficult by not putting them into the habit of praying regularly and now they are struggling to get up for Fajr because old habits die hard they say.

You see my friends who don't have children, don't be sad and don't envy those who have. Our children are a big trust from Allah and to raise them to be good slaves of Allah is not a small task. We have our share of sadness and trials. So, be grateful that Allah has willed that you don't have children by helping families who are struggling with their (many) children. Maybe you can volunteer teaching them or take their children to the masjid with you or be their big brother/sister. May Allah increase you in all good. Ameen.

Reminder: InshaAllah, tomorrow is our next monthly khatm Qur'an. Those who have aspired to read 1 or 2 chapters a day or those who have aspired to complete the whole Qur'an every month for this event, please complete them by 7pm Friday California time. Those who are close to masjid Al-Ittehad, Vista, please join us there. Our group reading of the last juz at 7pm followed by the du'a and potluck dinner. InshaAllah.

May Allah protect our children and help us to raise them well. Ameen. Please don't forget us in your night prayers. Jazakallahu khairan.
