Sunday, September 12, 2021

Put In Your Utmost Effort -- Nothing Is For Free

The message in the Quran is that you don't get anything for free, not even Jannah. You have to put in an effort. Even if the result is much more priceless than the price you pay, you need to pay some price -- though Jannah is not worth our actions but in shaa Allah, He will give it to us if we follow the means to get there.

In the Battle of Badr, the Angels did not fight single handedly and get rid of the Quraysh of Makkah while the Sahabah sat and did nothing. The Sahabah was doing something (e.g lift the sword) and the angels finished it off. Never that we hear an incident that the Angels did the whole chore for the Muslims in the battle. Badr was an ultimate victory, yet still it was not given to the Muslims until the Muslims, were in the thick of the battle, among the swords, then Allah's help came down. This is tawwakul. When the Muslims put their trusts in Allah, they passed the test and achieved victory eventhough the enemy greatly outnumbered the Muslims.

You have to traverse the path to get to the destination. The destination is not going to be picked up and brought to you. Even if you don't get there, Allah will bless you.

Even Maryem alayhassalaam, who was in the state of labor (giving birth), must shake the palm tree the best she could for the dates to fall on her lap. The dates won't just fall on her lap without any effort.

Allah will give it to you if you strive to get the destination. What Allah wants to see from us is  giving it our utmost and when we do that, then Allah will give what He has willed and what we deserve to get.

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