Sunday, January 3, 2010

Fly high with the wings of fear and hope

Assalaamu alaykum

I pray that you are well.

One year has once again passed. We are still here but we know we will one day die, be it from sickness, accident or simply we die in our sleep. It's not over until it is over. But once it is over we know there is no return. So, we want to prepare ourselves now so we are one of those radiant faces gazing upon our Lord when that Day comes and not the scowling faces wreaked with Calamity on that Day.

So, while we are still here, each of us has something to watch out for.

If you are a practicing Muslim, don't feel secure and safe. This is a trick that the Shaytan uses to steal your faith. Don't let pride enters your heart for pride is destruction. If you are a struggling Muslim, Shaytan will come to you using different tricks. Shaytan has many many tricks and even people with knowledge can fall into the tricks. We ask Allah to protect us from this. Understand who those devils are and shield your heart from its pierce. Raise as many walls as you can each moment of your life. All acts of obedience to Allah are your walls. Do lots of zhikr (remembrance of Allah) throughout your day. Doing what Allah wants you to do sincerely and excellently and striving to do more is a manifestation of your love for Allah. And if your heart is filled with love for Him, there won't be room for another love.

Don't say waking up for fajr is difficult, don't say wearing hijab is difficult, don't say having a beard is just a sunnah, don't say in the negatives. Because Shaytan will finally tell you this--since you cannot do anything, you might as well do nothing. If you have this in your thoughts, don't despair of the mercy of Allah. Do something now, do what you can to improve. Improvement takes time. Don't let other Muslims make you despair--those who tell you this is difficult. Some will rain you with criticisms when you look a little different than them or simply because they are jealous of you. The tendency is to follow the crowd because it is easy. We have fears to do the things that we know in our hearts is right. We have the wrong fear because we are deficient. The fear should be fear of Allah's displeasure and punishment. Deficiency can be removed through knowledge of Allah. Learning the Qur'an give you better knowledge of Allah. When you reflect on Allah, you should have hope. Look at the Qur'an, every surah except one, Allah begins with BismillahirRahmanirRahim--In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.

Fear and hope are two wings that one fly to Allah Most High. So balance your wings and you are ready to fly high to Him inshaAllah. May we reach very high in our flight to Allah, Most High. Ameen.

And Allah knows best.


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