Sunday, January 3, 2010


Assalaamu alaykum

I pray that you are well.

As I was walking into Fry's Electronics yesterday with my teenage boys, my eyes caught on a fountain which decorated the wall and I had to stand there watching intently the water flowing. I couldn't help wonder how more beautiful the fountain in Jannah! My kids were browsing for new Mac laptops which I have been postponing buying for them for months--I have been trying to wean them off their computers. But yesterday I wanted to treat them because they were good to me and they took care of me when I was very sick recently. When they came to me and told me what they saw, I said "look at that fountain, do you want the laptop or a fountain in Jannah?" We didn't buy any laptops yesterday. Alhamdulillah.

"...therein a fountain whose name is called Salsabil. Immortal youths shall go about them; when you see them, you suppose them scattered pearls, when you see them then you see bliss and a great kingdom. Upon them shall be green garments of silk and brocade; they are adorned with bracelets of silver, and their Lord shall give them to drink a pure draught. Behold, this is a recompense for you, and your striving is thanked." Qur'an Al-Insaan 76:18-22

"O which of your Lord's bounties will you and you deny? therein two fountains of running water." Qur'an Ar-Rahman 55:49-50

"But the godfearing shall be amidst gardens and fountains: 'Enter you them, in peace and security!' We shall strip away all rancour that is in their breasts; as brothers they shall be upon couches set face to face. no fatigue there shall smite them, neither shall they ever be driven forth from there." Qur'an Al-Hijr 15:45-48

"Every soul shall have a taste of death, in the end to Us shall you be brought back. But those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, to them shall We give a House in Paradise, lofty mansions beneath which flow rivers, to dwell therein forever, an excellent reward for those who do good, those who persevere in patience, and put their trust in their Lord." Qur'an Ankabut 29:57-59

May Allah grant us tawfiq and help us raise our children to be His righteous servants. Ameen.

And Allah knows best.


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