Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Allah is Watching

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate
Assalaamu alaykum

Dear Friends

I pray that you are well.

Allah is always aware, not a moment He is not aware. He is Al-Raqib, the Ever Watchful. Allah is present and watching everything. He is not absent. We cannot hide from Him. Everything is recorded. Not an ant small of good or bad is left out. One day we are going to face Allah, Al Hasib, and be taken to task.

Allah is not unmindful of people who are doing wrong today, in private or in public, inside their homes or outside their homes, as an individual or as a group. He sees even a black ant under a black stone in a pitch black night and hears even the tying of your shoelace.

If Allah wishes, He can destroy the wrongdoers in seconds and humiliate them. But Allah is giving them chances to come to their senses, to repent and correct themselves. If they don't want to, don't care to, persist with the wrongdoing, then they are asking for their own destruction.

Remember how Abraha and his big army on elephants met their destruction when they tried to destroy the Ka'bah? [Surah Al-Fil]. To destroy them Allah used small birds. Had Allah willed He could have destroyed them in a different way but because they were boasting by bringing 60,000 men and elephants (huge animals), Allah defeated them with small birds to humiliate them. The birds carried a small baked clay pebble in each of their claws and their beaks and dropped them on Abraha's army. No sooner the pebbles fell upon a man, they burnt their way into his body, so that he swelled and burned. Some were hit and died on the spot; others withdrew and fled in panic and disarray. Some made it back all the way to their country, there to die. They were like chewed up straw, the sight of which was disgusting--imagine thousands of bodies burnt and rot. Abraha was hit on his head by a pebble, and his whole body swelled, but he did not die on the spot. He suffered great humiliation the whole journey back to Yemen where he died, in terrible agony.
أَلَمْ تَرَ كَيْفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِأَصْحَابِ الْفِيلِ ﴿١﴾ أَلَمْ يَجْعَلْ كَيْدَهُمْ فِي تَضْلِيلٍ ﴿٢﴾ وَأَرْسَلَ عَلَيْهِمْ طَيْرًا أَبَابِيلَ ﴿٣﴾ تَرْمِيهِم بِحِجَارَةٍ مِّن سِجِّيلٍ ﴿٤﴾ فَجَعَلَهُمْ كَعَصْفٍ مَّأْكُولٍ ﴿٥

Have you not considered, [O Muhammad], how your Lord dealt with the companions of the elephant? (1) Did He not make their plan into misguidance? (2) And He sent against them birds in flocks, (3) Striking them with stones of hard clay, (4) And He made them like eaten straw. (5)
[Qur'an Al-Fil 105]

Abu Lahab and his wife used their will and wealth in the wrong way. Abu Lahab was one of the uncles of the Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him peace. Though they lived very close to the Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him peace, they never tried to understand his message. They spent their life in unrelenting rage and hatred, cruel plots and persecutions; their punishment was to be the same kind as what they had relentlessly inflicted on Muslims. The companions of Abu Lahab died in the Battle of Badr. He lost his prestige. He was afflicted with a skin disease within a week after the battle and he died of it. His corpse was rotting and no one would go near it fearing that it could infect them with the disease. Finally, his son dug a pit and pushed his corpse with a stick and cover it with stones and dirt.
تَبَّتْ يَدَا أَبِي لَهَبٍ وَتَبَّ ﴿١﴾ مَا أَغْنَىٰ عَنْهُ مَالُهُ وَمَا كَسَبَ ﴿٢﴾ سَيَصْلَىٰ نَارًا ذَاتَ لَهَبٍ ﴿٣﴾ وَامْرَأَتُهُ حَمَّالَةَ الْحَطَبِ ﴿٤﴾ فِي جِيدِهَا حَبْلٌ مِّن مَّسَدٍ ﴿٥

May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined, and ruined is he. (1) His wealth will not avail him or that which he gained. (2) He will [enter to] burn in a Fire of [blazing] flame (3) And his wife [as well] - the carrier of firewood. (4) Around her neck is a rope of [twisted] fiber. (5)
[Qur'an Al-Masad 111]

Those who plot against Allah and disobey His commands should fear that Allah can seize them in any way: traffic accident, plane crash, slip and fall, food poisoning, etc. Allah's soldiers are numerous. He can use any of them even from invisible viruses/bacteria.

No one can succeed in his plot against Allah, no one can escape Allah's grasp.

وَكَذَٰلِكَ أَخْذُ رَبِّكَ إِذَا أَخَذَ الْقُرَىٰ وَهِيَ ظَالِمَةٌ ۚ إِنَّ أَخْذَهُ أَلِيمٌ شَدِيدٌ ﴿١٠٢﴾ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَةً لِّمَنْ خَافَ عَذَابَ الْآخِرَةِ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ يَوْمٌ مَّجْمُوعٌ لَّهُ النَّاسُ وَذَٰلِكَ يَوْمٌ مَّشْهُودٌ ﴿١٠٣

And thus is the seizure of your Lord when He seizes the cities while they are committing wrong. Indeed, His seizure is painful and severe. (102) Indeed in that is a sign for those who fear the punishment of the Hereafter. That is a Day for which the people will be collected, and that is a Day [which will be] witnessed. (103)
[Qur'an 11:102-103]

Narrated Abu Musa: Allah's Apostle said, "Allah gives respite to the oppressor, but when He takes him over, He never releases him." Then he recited, "Such is the seizure of your Lord when He seizes (population of) towns in the midst of their wrong: Painful indeed, and severe is His seizure.' (11:102) [Sahih Bukhari]

May Allah guide us on the straight path, the path of those upon whom He has bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked His anger or of those who are astray. We ask Allah to help us and our families use our wealth, our intelligence, our strength, our power for the cause of Islam. We ask Allah to help us teach our families what pleases Him and in the best manner. We ask Allah to protect us from evil deeds and disobedience. Ameen.

Please don't forget us in your night prayers. Jazakallahu khairan.

And Allah knows best.

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