Thursday, August 8, 2024

Involve Your Family in Choosing Your Spouse

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Involve Your Family in Choosing Your Spouse

When it comes to finding a life partner, the role of family is not just important—it's integral. Family members are not merely a group of people who help put your wedding day together; they should be actively involved in guiding your journey from the start. 

Your family can offer a wealth of wisdom and spiritual guidance that is comforting and enlightening. This support often comes from their life experiences, their understanding of you and what might complement your personality and goals, and an innate desire to see you settled with a partner who brings peace and happiness to your life. 

They can help steer you away from potentially unsuitable matches and towards individuals who have the qualities that are important in a spouse—piety, patience, kindness, and compatibility. Parents and adult siblings can offer insights into how potential partners might fit into your broader family dynamics, which is crucial for maintaining harmony. They might also identify character traits in potential spouses that you might overlook, giving you a more rounded perspective on your decision.

While you might feel drawn to someone's kindness or sense of humor, their commitment to prayer, fasting, and community involvement—actions that fulfill religious duties—should also be key considerations. 

May Allah grant us righteous companions. Our Lord, grant us comfort from among our spouses and offspring to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous. Aameen.

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