Sunday, August 11, 2024

Love of Allah

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
Love of Allah

Allah Most High tells us in the noble Qur’an, “And those who believe are most intense in their love for Allah.” [Qur’an, Al Baqarah 2:165]

So, what is this intense love for Allah? It is to love for the sake of Allah.

What distinguishes a believer from anyone else is not just having love for Allah but the intensity of love for Allah. 

Love is not just a mild feeling. Love is a constant inclination with a heart overcome. The intense love for Allah is to love Allah Himself over all else and also to love all else out of this intensity of love for Allah. 

You love your parents not just a little but intensely out of your intense love for Allah. You love your teachers, children, family,  friends, and environment for Allah's sake because this is Allah's creation and everything that is from the beloved is beloved to the one who loves. 

A man came to Ibn Mashish and asked him for advice regarding things he could do. Ibn Mashish said that the ways of good are known, the acts of good are clear, and the spiritual routines are evident. He said that if he were to give you one piece of advice, then it would be to hold fast to the love of Allah, for the love of Allah is the axis around which all good revolves. 

 “O Allah, I ask you for Your love, and the love of those whom You love, and the love of acts that will make me attain Your love.”

May Allah grant us this true love as “Lovers take with them all honor in this life and the next.” Aameen.

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