Saturday, August 10, 2024

Worried About Your Children?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Worried About Your Children?

Once, a great shaykh was teaching his students when he heard his mother calling. He immediately left his students to go to his mother, and when he returned after a while, he noticed that his students were clearly bewildered. So he told them he went to feed the chickens as his mother wanted and continued the lessons. 

We must exhaust ourselves to teach our children about their Lord and inculcate Islamic values in their lives. Parenting does not stop when our children reach puberty or the legal age of 18 (in most places). There's one thing about parenting: it never stops. Once you become a parent, you remain a parent for the rest of your life. So the end of your child's adolescence is not the end of parenting; it only marks the transition to a new set of changes and challenges. After adolescence, parenting adult children remains challenging and complex. 

You may be living in the most advanced country in the world, and you send your kids to the best schools, and they wound up in one of the high-paying careers, but they can barely keep up with the 5 obligatory prayers or praying at the masjid. When you try to call them occasionally, they barely have time for you. 

Why? Wrong priority. Show them the clear priority--Allah first, parents second.

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