Monday, August 19, 2024

The Grand Status of Parents

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

The Grand Status of Parents

Allah has bestowed an exalted status upon parents, repeatedly commanding us to treat them with kindness and respect in numerous verses of the Qur'an. Many hadiths and extensive hadith literature emphasize the importance of being good to one's parents. 

“Worship Allah and ascribe nothing whatsoever as partners to Him; and be gracious and kind to parents, and towards next of kin, and orphans, and the poverty-stricken, and to neighbors who are kinsmen, and neighbors who are not, and the friend at your side, and destitute wayfarers, and bondsman your right hands own; Verily, Allah loves no conceited braggart.” [Quran, An-Nisaa 4:36]

Allah places great emphasis on the duty of caring for one's parents, often pairing the command to be good to parents with the belief in His Oneness. This underscores the importance of this responsibility. A person who obeys Allah but mistreats their parents will not have their acts of obedience accepted; both duties must be fulfilled. 

Even if parents are not Muslims, they still deserve our kindness and good treatment, though they should not be obeyed in matters that contradict Allah's commands. If they attempt to lead us away from Islam, we should not follow them, but we must still treat them with respect and kindness. 

If Allah instructs us to be good to our parents even when they are trying to lead us away from Islam, then how much more should we honor and care for our parents who are not doing so? How should we treat our parents who are Muslims, and especially those who are righteous? 

Consider the obligation of a child whose parents are striving to bring them closer to Allah—waking them for Fajr, reminding them to talk and dress modestly (put on hijab, etc), and encouraging them to learn Islam and read the Qur'an. 

Yet, it is sadly common to see children disrespecting and disobeying such devoted parents. Indeed, this is one of the most reprehensible things a person can do.

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