Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Highest Provision

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

The Highest Provision

Rizq (provision/sustenance) has always been a source of anxiety and conflict for people. Much of the world's crime, oppression, and political or social unrest stem from greed in the pursuit of rizq. 

However, a true believer, with faith rooted in their heart, will not exhaust themselves physically or emotionally in chasing after provision. This doesn't mean one should neglect to seek a livelihood; rather, it means that one's reliance should be on Allah, not on the means of livelihood. A devoted servant of Allah works diligently, trusting that the Provider will grant whatever is destined for them. This mindset reflects true devotion and helps maintain a balanced life, preventing the exhausting pursuit of wealth. In return, Allah blesses their earnings, making even the smallest amount sufficient.

“And in the heaven is your provision and whatever you are promised.”
[Qur'an, Adh-Dhariyat 51:22]

“Indeed, it is Allah who is the [continual] Provider, the firm possessor of strength.” 
[Qur'an, Adh-Dhariyat 51:28]

Islamic scholars categorize provision into two main types: physical (material) and spiritual. Physical provision includes all aspects of worldly life, such as a house, wealth, and possessions. On the other hand, spiritual provision encompasses everything related to one's afterlife and spiritual status, such as character traits, wisdom, insight, and a deep connection with Allah. Love is also a form of provision—an essential part of our lives. We need love, perhaps even more than money, for money cannot buy genuine love. True love is the love Allah has for His servants, which He has spread among them. It is the highest form of provision you can receive.

May Allah increase our provision and help us spread love and mercy in the world. Aameen.

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